MSCI / PREA US Property Fund Index

The MSCI / PREA U.S. Property Fund Index allows PREA members access to a large array of data allowing for detailed analysis of the performance of open-end property funds and their underlying investments. While headline numbers are publicly released each quarter, PREA members have the ability to drill-down beneath these headline numbers and look through the returns from the overall fund level down to the performance of the direct unleveraged real estate held by the funds.  The effects on returns of various aspects of fund structure are broken out so far as to provide a complete picture of the sources of fund returns. Please forward any comments or question to Greg MacKinnon.

Open-End Funds (AFOE) — 1Q2024 Results

Core, Diversified Open-End Funds (ACOE) — 1Q2024 Results

Historical Returns, All Open-End Funds (AFOE): 1Q2008 to 1Q2024

Historical Returns, Core Diversified Open-End Funds (ACOE): 1Q2008 to 1Q2024


Global Data

As well as data on the MSCI / PREA U.S. Property Fund Index, PREA members have access to an array of data on international property markets from MSCI’s global real estate operations. PREA’s investor-members have access to enhanced global data resources. Global data is accessible via the links below.

As part of its mission to support research and education in the institutional real estate industry PREA co-publishes, with MSCI, the MSCI / PREA U.S. Property Fund Index. The Index tracks the performance of open-end real estate funds on a quarterly basis, including core and value-add strategies as well as diversified and specialized funds.

Further Information

Index Rules




The MSCI / PREA U.S. Property Fund Index ("Index") is owned, compiled and calculated by MSCI and published in association with PREA. The Index may not be used as a benchmark without a license from MSCI. PREA investor-members may obtain a license to use the Index as a benchmark at no charge; any PREA member may obtain a license at no charge to use the Index as a benchmark for funds that are not eligible to be included in the Index; PREA members wishing to benchmark a fund that is eligible to be included in the Index must subscribe to MSCI’s Portfolio Analysis Service (PAS) and pay MSCI’s usual fees for the service in order to receive a no-cost license to use the Index as a benchmark. Contact PREA or MSCI for more information on obtaining a license to use the Index as a benchmark.

For all data and information accessed via this page, Source: MSCI © 2012. MSCI has no liability to any person for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses suffered by any person as a result of any reliance on this information. MSCI makes no warranty as to its accuracy or completeness or fitness for any purpose.


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