Publications Overview

PREA Quarterly Magazine

Once the Association's newsletter, the PREA Quarterly has evolved into a must-read magazine for institutional real estate investors. Each issue includes insightful feature articles on a number of issues confronting pension fund investors, economic and investment analysis and interviews with prominent business leaders outside of the industry. Regular columns track current legislative and regulatory events in Washington D.C., the public real estate markets, global real estate markets, the capital markets and investor perspectives.

Click here for more information.


Journal of Portfolio Management Special Real Estate Issue

Since 2003, PREA has sponsored six issues of the Journal of Portfolio Management, which have been dedicated to real estate research. Members receive copies of these special issues by mail. Past articles in the special issue have focused on topics including real estate opportunity funds, income and cap rate effects on property appreciation, and CMBS total return swaps. Click here for more information.


Legislative & Regulatory Alerts

Members of PREA's Government Affairs Committee periodically issue reports on legislative and regulatory developments that may affect investment activities in the institutional real estate community. These concise and up-to-date reports help PREA members stay current on relevant laws and legislative proposals as they are announced. Click here to see the latest alerts.


Advertising Information

The PREA Quarterly is a members' forum for exchanging information, keeping up to date on the latest industry trends, and tapping into resources which help them realize their objectives. This is a perfect opportunity for your organization to reach this selective audience. Click here for more information.


Publication Search

Search all documents on the PREA website by subject, date or other criteria. Click here for more information.


Affinius Capital



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